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Is Your Helpdesk Helping Or Hurting Your Business?

Written by Megan Vogel | Oct 3, 2016 9:51:01 AM

How is your business technology affecting your employees? And how do they get the help they need when your technology changes? Is your help desk willing and able to support changing trends in technology?

Here are some of the latest trends:

Mobility—mobile devices are one of many standards in the modern office. Connecting to WiFi (public or private). Employees work beyond the office (morning, noon and night). With growing security challenges to data curation (hackers and cyber criminals) as well as a workday that often expands far outside the limits of 9-5, internal help desks are over-burdened securing business data AND supporting a workforce all hours of every days.

BYOD—bring your own device. Over one-third of employees have access to corporate networks from their personal devices. In effort to work from anywhere and at any time, employees are turning to their personal devices more and more. With increased diversity of devices, operating systems and bugs, your helpdesk may not be able to efficiently help users on their particular device. They may not even want to see BYOD. But the reality is that personal devices are being used (like it or not).

Support on the Spot—at some point ten years ago, week-long wait times were the norm to remediate hard-to-solve computer problems. But nowadays, business demands have made real-time support the new normal. With increasing Internet of Things and increased use of devices connecting to your business network—comes instant demand for functionality. Your help desk needs to be up-to-speed to support your network and all the new tools on that network.

So what are the things your help desk really needs to be agile for changing tech demands?

Growing Body of Knowledge—They have to constantly be learning about what’s out there impacting your employees. If not, they’re slowing your business down! This means having help desk workers that get continued learning and training to meet your tech demands.

Greater Collaboration— while many tech guys by nature prefer to work solo, your business depends on an IT helpdesk that understands how your people are using technology to make sure they give them the right support from the get-go.

Customer-Focused Mission— If your helpdesk doesn’t understand what technology your workers are using and aren’t getting them through their problems quickly and helping them leverage technology to better their work, they simply aren’t working.

Is your helpdesk ready and able to meet changing demands from your staff, your customers and your business when it comes to technology? Get a free helpdesk assessment today to find out.